One of the most fascinating experiences I have ever made in VR, The Collider is neither a VR film, nor a VR game, or a play, or VR meditation… Calling it an installation or even self-experience feels closer to home. The idea behind it appears equally simple as it is genius: in The Collider, two people crash into each other.
Tag: location based VR
The Horrifically Real Virtuality and Umami at Venice VR: Drama, baby!
It is starting to get colder in Berlin, and I find myself reminiscing about our snug little nook in sunbathed Venice: for the second time, we were given the chance to meet VR and AR professionals from around the world at the Lazzaretto Vecchio. The green courtyard became a setting where creatives, enthusiasts, critics, investors, distributors, and sceptics came together in tranquil harmony to sip their morning cappuccino and chat cheerily about virtual worlds. The talk of the town: how theater and VR came together in Venice. Read in this article more about the two stunning experiences The Horrifically Real Virtuality and Umami.
Venice VR 2018: The VR Experiences I Am Most Excited For
After having visited the Tribeca Film Festival already, I will also be travelling to the International Film Festival in Venice this year. Yay! As the oldest of its kind worldwide, the Venice Film Festival is just as venerable as it sounds; and even though virtual reality only joined the festivities last year, it is regarded as one of the best VR-centric exhibits. I took a closer look at this year’s Venice VR program to compile a brief and unashamedly personal foretaste.