Oh, how long the wait. If only you heard me sigh: finally, it’s here. Penrose Studio’s new VR film, Arden’s Wake, has arrived — this is one title you do not want to miss. It is a tearful family story; a dive into uncertain depths.
Pola Weiß
#Psychologist #FilmFanatic #CineBinger #TVandOnlineEditor ##
Well told stories have always captivated me, no matter where they came from. I happened upon the incredible world of virtual reality while working in the bustling media sector (including SWR and ARTE). I finally launched VR Geschichten in 2017 and have since been discovering the unending depths of VR from my base in Berlin.
BattleScar: Punk Rules the World
About two years ago, I caught a glimpse of the beginning of the VR film BattleScar – instantly, I fell in love: with the film, its main protagonist, Lupe, the rhythm, the music, the style, the groove. Now, it has finally reached completion and awaits its release. One thing is certain: it’ll be the party of the year!
The Key: Straddling Mystery and Harsh Reality
The time has come for me to finally dedicate a long segment to The Key. Celine Tricart’s interactive VR film has been snatching one award after the other and certainly revolves around a current topic. I had the opportunity to watch The Key already and the even absolute pleasure to chat with the director.